By the pool, by the ocean, at a hotel or a home, don't forget to leave yourself time to just relax. In case you need help, we offer some tips below...

Don't Forget To Relax.....

house and swimming pool
house and swimming pool
green trees near blue swimming pool during daytime
green trees near blue swimming pool during daytime
Tips To Relax On Vacation
Remember... your job will still be there when you go home. You cannot go back in time and change how you spent your vacation.
1. Disable your Work Email On Your Phone
Trust us, people will ignore your "out of the office" auto response and continue emailing you. They will be just fine until you return. You don't want to be replying to emails all day while your kids are meeting Mickey. Disable your outlook.
Pro Tip: If you must get work done - wake up early before everyone else, do what you need to do, then make breakfast for everyone. Instead of being a workaholic, you are a vacation hero
2. Have A Few Meals Delivered
If you are staying at a home/ condo with a kitchen it certainly saves money to make meals at home. Traffic here is relentless so every now and then, let someone else deal with the traffic. Relax by the pool or on the couch, let someone else cook and drive.
3. Take In the Scenery
Look at the palm trees and the sun. For a moment, just quietly take it all in. The traffic is congested, and the parks can be crowded, but this place is beautiful. Take a moment to really appreciate it.
4. Spend Time Outside (If You Can)
If your health allows it, spend time outside. Lay in the sun if you can. Go for a walk if you can. Just being outside here is relaxing.