Around The Pool
Pool/ Hot Tub Safety Tips
Before we start encouraging you to drink heavily around the pool, here are a few tips to remember...
Wear sunscreen! You can get sunburned while you are in the water. This is Florida, you do not want to be outside for any length of time without sunscreen. You determine what SPF is appropriate.
Remember Your Kids Do Not Know They Cannot Swim. We did it as toddlers, our kids did it to us, we see the Air BNB renters chasing after their kids ready to jump in the pool. Especially the first time they see the pool. It looks so pretty and fun, they forget or don't care if they can swim, they just want to jump in. If you're at a hotel or condo you'll have to hold their hand. If you are renting a home the pool should have a 3 foot high mesh fence around it to help. We recommend arm floats for kids. You can get them at Walmart for $1.
No Glass Around The Pool: This is not a law but a reasonable rule you should make for your own safety. Only drink out of plastic cups or aluminum bottles around the pool. If a glass bottle breaks, you will never see broken glass in the pool, but you sure could step on it
Protect Your Cell Phone: If you want to save money, buy zip seal sandwich bags. Put your phone inside the bag, and zip it. If the bag is tight across the screen, you can use your phone while sitting in the pool or hot tub. This will protect your phone from splashes and a brief drop into the water if you grab it quickly. You can purchase water proof phone cases. They work well, but are expensive.
Acquire a Bluetooth Speaker: Preferably something water resistant to be safe, but you might want to have your music playing while you are hanging out at the pool all day
Have Movie Night
(We recommend Aquamarine)
You can purchase a pool beer pong floating table at most Walmarts or pool supply stores. You can purchase cups at The Dollar Tree and table tennis/ ping pong balls at any grocery store or department store. We are not sure if hotels and condos will allow them in their pool, but they might. If you are renting a home, most vacation communities have pool supply stores nearby.
Fair warning, your traditional beer pong strategies might not work so well with waves and a moving table. For example, the cups do not get very close on a "Gentlemen's Stack"
Things To Do In The Pool
Here's where staying at a resort has an advantage. Most of the resorts around here have some really fun pool activities for all ages. Each resort is different. Some of them have water slides and lazy rivers. Disney Boardwalk pictured above has pool bingo and other games hosted by their staff. Fantasy World has plenty of pool games, some other resorts even have foam parties. Check with your resort for pool activities schedule.
If you are renting a home there's always the classic "Marco Polo" game. you can buy diving games with coins or treasures to find. You can get pool basketball hoops and volleyball nets. We're not sure if it's a sport, but you can always buy pool noodles and fight with them.
Yes, those are adults watching Aquamarine while floating in the pool. We are having a little fun with our staff here, but our point is there are plenty of things to do in the pool.
We also recommend keeping a television handy during football season. Fair warning, it is difficult to hear a television when you are in the hot tub.
Play Pool Beer Pong
Pool Games
Drinking With Timothy or Other Friends
Hot Tub Timothy is a local celebrity. We recommend naming an inanimate object and make it a part of the family vacation.
You are not limited to just inanimate objects. Name the lizards and make them a part of your family vacation. We recommend naming all of the lizards Frank, Frank Jr, or Frank III (based on their size)
If you're staying at a resort, make friends with the other guests. Vacation is the best time to meet new people because everyone is in a good mood. the best conversation starter is "Where are you from?" Or "Donde eres?" en Espanol.
In The Hot Tub
Just Hangout In The Hot Tub
Bring some drinks and some music and relax. Most hotels or resorts have poolside tiki bars if they do not allow you to bring drinks, they will allow you to purchase one from them.
Please notice the can of "Natty Light" in the picture. Florida residents are required to have "Natural Light" at their residence at all times during hurricane season. We're just kidding, but Natural Light does seem to be a part of many "Florida Man" stories.